FAQ Page

If you got questions, we've got answers—check out our FAQ page and get the real deal, straight from the source

Can I cancel my order after it was placed?

If you place an order that you want to cancel. Please email us at beeyeconicnow@gmail.com within 30 minutes of placing your order so we can ensure that it is adequately canceled.

How can I track my order?

Once your order has been fulfilled and shipped you will receive an update from our shipping partner that will include your tracking number and a link to follow the journey of your package.

When will my order be processed?

We are a small but mighty team and like to process orders within 5-7 business days of the order date.

Can I make an exchange for another item? Return?

At this time we do not process any exchanges or returns. All sales are final unless an item is delivered damaged.

Do you ship internationally?

We do not ship internationally at this time.

Do you ship to P.O Boxes, APO or FPO address?

We Do Not ship to P.O Boxes, APO or FPO

What Payment Methods are Accepted?

We accept American Express, ApplePay, Diners Club, Discover, Klarna, META Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Shop Pay, Venmo, Visa

What happens If the wrong items arrive in my order? Or arrive damaged?

If you received the wrong item or if your item arrived damaged please email us at beeyeconicnow@gmail.com within 3 days of the delivery date. Please include the order number, an image of the item you received, or an image of the area that is damaged and we will follow-up with the next steps.